
established in 2012

Welcome to the Q group! We are a team of interdisciplinary scholars dedicated to exploring cultural complexity, digital humanities, and creativity. Our group is comprised of researchers from diverse academic backgrounds, including art, humanities, science and engineering!

Our research group seeks to understand the cultural complexity based on data-driven analysis. We believe that the intersection of art, humanities, and technology provides a unique lens through which to explore the richness of cultural expression, and our research aims to shed light on the many dimensions of culture that often go overlooked.

We are particularly interested in using digital technologies to analyze cultural phenomena and explore the ways in which they shape cultural practices and identities. Our research questions are driven by a desire to understand the role of technology in shaping culture, and to identify new ways of harnessing the power of digital tools to promote cultural understanding and dialogue.

Our vision is to leverage digital tools to promote greater understanding and appreciation of cultural complexity. We believe that our research has the potential to exchange between different academic disciplines and to contribute to the development of interdisciplinary research.

Juyong Park